Future Directions in Environmental Humanities
A virtual workshop for ASLEC-ANZ postgraduates and early career researchers
Calling all ASLEC-ANZ postgraduates and ECRs! Join us on Thursday 4th of March for an online workshop discussing the particulars of publishing, research funding, and creative practice in the environmental humanities, as well as transitioning to work outside the academy.
With a wealth of research and writing experience shared amongst them, our speakers will discuss the above topics in the context of their own experiences working in the environmental humanities. These short presentations will be followed by an open discussion between our speakers and attendees, with time for questions.
We hope this workshop will provide an engaging and motivating space for ASLEC-ANZ postgrads and ECRs to learn from the experiences of others and consider future opportunities and pathways for their careers in the environmental humanities.
Please register your attendance at the workshop by emailing Rachel Fetherston at rfetherston@deakin.edu.au

Time: 1pm-2.30pm AEDT
Location: Online – Zoom details will be sent to registered attendees
Confirmed speakers:
Emily Potter is Associate Professor of Writing and Literature, and Associate Head of School (Research) in the School of Communication and Creative Arts, Deakin University. Emily’s research focuses on the intersections between storytelling, place-making, settler-colonial legacies, and climate crisis. She is the co-convenor of the Shadow Places network, funded by a Mistra-Formas Seedbox Environmental Humanities grant, and has been a chief investigator on several ARC grants, as well as an ARC postdoctoral fellowship holder. In 2021 she is commencing a new ARC project funded by a Special Research Initiative Grant, ‘Reading in the Mallee: The Literary Past and Future of an Australian Region’.
Sue Pyke writes lyrical memoir, fiction, poetry and critical scholarship. Her scholarly fields of interest include creative writing, literary animal studies, and critical settler studies. Her scholarly monograph, Animal Visions: Posthumanist Dream Writing, was published in 2019. She is a committee member for the Australasian Animal Studies Association, and part of the editorial collective for Swamphen, the scholarly journal for ASLEC-ANZ (the Association for the Study of Literature, Environment and Culture, Australia and New Zealand). Other publication details are available at https://unimelb.academia.edu/SusanPyke. Sue tweets as @suehallpyke and Instagrams at @suzimez.
Karen Turner has worked on a number of health promotion initiatives including preventing harm from alcohol, youth and street violence, preventing family violence through respectful relationships education, and promoting positive mental health and social cohesion for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds through education. Karen is responsible for the development, implementation and coordination of several of VicHealth’s key portfolios including, Alcohol Culture Change and Harmful Industries, and holds a PhD in Social Anthropology and Gender Studies.
Jessica White is the author of the novels A Curious Intimacy (2007) and Entitlement (2012) and a hybrid memoir, Hearing Maud (2019). Her essays, short stories and poems have appeared widely in Australian and international literary journals and have been shortlisted or longlisted for prizes. Jessica is also the recipient of funding from Arts Queensland and the Australia Council for the Arts and has undertaken residencies in Tasmania and Rome. She is currently based at the University of South Australia where she is writing an ecobiography of Western Australia’s first female scientist, 19th century botanist Georgiana Molloy.